Dave Barry-isms The only safe way to venture onto the ocean is aboard a cruise ship the size of a rural school district. Even then you're not safe, because you might become trapped in your cabin due to bodily expansion. Cruise ships carry thousands of tons of high calorie food, and under maritime law they cannot return to port until all of it has been converted into passenger fat. Most males here on Earth do not do any more laundry than they absolutely have to. A single-sock load would not be out of the question, for a guy. A guy might well choose to wash *only the really dirty part of the sock.* Recently, while I was waiting in line at a post office to purchase the conveniently priced 29-cent stamps, I was shocked to hear people muttering because the three clerks behind the counter were moving so slowly that, to he untrained eye, they did not appear to be waiting on anybody. They appeared to be legally dead. Although I think dead people are more animated, because of bacterial action. Without question the most important invention in human history, next to frozen yogurt, is the computer. Without computers, it would be virtually impossible for us to accomploiwur xow;gkc,mf(*&( Our yard violates the No. 1 rule of yard design, which is: "Never locate your yard in South Florida." South Florida is smack dab in the middle of a permanent weather system that weather scientists call "The Big Armpit," meaning that it is hot and humid and prone to producing mutant growths. If you want biodiversity, hang around our yard, preferably with a flamethrower. I do a lot of singing in the car. You should hear Aretha Franklin and me perform our version of "I Say a Little Prayer for You," especially when our voices swoop way up high for the ending part that goes, My darling BELIEVE me, for me there is nooo WAH-HHHH-AAANNN but you.... My technique is to grip the steering wheel with both hands and lift myself halfway out of the seat so that I can give full vocal expression to the emotion that Aretha and I are feeling, which is a mixture of joyous hope and bittersweet longing and the horror of realizing that the driver of the cement truck three feet away is staring at me, at which point I pretend that I am having a coughing seizure while Aretha finishes the song on her own. Hospitals would be a *lot* more pleasant for people who work in them if you didn't keep coming in with medical problems. People often ask me: "Dave, what do you do for entertainment?" The answer is: I try on pants. It's the only real joy I have in my life anymore, because I'm on a diet. It's called the Think About Food All The Time Diet. The way it works is: you turn every experience you have into a food fantasy. For example, if you're watching the movie Alien, and you get to the part where the spaceship crew member is lying on the table, looking queasy, and suddenly his chest bursts open, blood flying everywhere, and out lunges this horrible gore-dripping insect-like *thing*, your reaction, on the Think About Food All The Time Diet, is, "Hey, I could sure go for some ribs!" Experts recommend that you practice your speech ahead of time in front of a sympathetic, understanding audience. I practice in front of my dogs, who always listen with alert, interested expressions, in case I'm telling them that they're going to get some leftover spaghetti, which they love. I wish to stress that the Savings and Load crisis is *especially* not the fault of Senators Alan Cranston, John Glenn, Dennis DeConcini, Donald Riegle, and John McCain, who are known collectively as the "Keating Five" because it would be a serious violation of the libel laws to call them "Prostitutes With Speechwriters" I have always dressed according to certain Basic Guy Fashion Rules, including: - Both of your socks should always be the same color. - Or they should at least both be fairly dark. Every year I go on a book publicity tour, because I feel it's important for me, as an author, to develop enormous bags under my eyes. If you're apprehensive about flying, let me assure you, as a frequent flier, that few experiences are more enjoyable than being seven miles above the Earth's surface in a crowded aging piece of machinery held aloft by principles of physics that you do not even dimly grasp while giant invisible gravity rays pound relentlessly on the roof. My car has been named something like Rugged Macho Stud Hombre 4x4 Of The Century by an outfit with a name like Magazine Writers Who Do Not Personally Own This Type Of Car But Get To Drive New Ones For Free. My car needs to be rugged, because it takes a constant daily pounding from the tow truck dragging it back to the Mechanic Who Never Actually Fixes The Problem. Proper hair care is very important. When I say "proper hair care," I of course mean "using powerful chemicals in an ongoing effort to make your hair stop looking like your hair, which you hate." You can't be too careful driving in South Florida. You must be *extremely* aware of the danger that something you do could offend another motorist. You should not shrug in traffic; I assume it also goes without saying that you should *never* make an obscene gesture, unless you have a strong hankering to experience the embalming process firsthand. The Democrats believe that the only solution to the budget deficit is to raise taxes. This is the standard Democratic solution for everything, including nasal congestion. The Republicans, on the other hand, believe that the solution is "fiscal responsibility," which means "blaming the Democrats." If you woke up one morning, and you found, in your bed, and on your floor, and in your shoes, and in your underwear drawer, several hundred creatures that looked exactly like lobsters except that they were a quarter of an inch long, what would you do? I'll tell you what you would not do. You would not say: "Gee! I wish these were 60 times their current size, for I am sure they would be a delicious treat with lemon and butter!" No, You would go: "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK (stompstompstompstompstompstompstompstomp)!" SOUTH FLORIDA DRIVING QUIZ You are involved in a minor accident that does not involve injuries. You and the driver of the other car should exchange: a. Clothing b. Urine Samples c. Gunfire I'm an experienced South Florida driver, and almost getting hit is *nothing*. It's routine. It happens *every day*. I'm so used to it that I don't even bother to honk at motorists who almost kill me. Generally it's a bad idea to honk down here anyway, inasmuch as the South Florida motoring public is as heavily armed as Iraq, but not as peace-loving. New York traffic is so dense that drivers have no hope of ever reaching home within their own lifetimes, which is just as well because there would be no place to park and their families probably moved to the suburbs years ago anyway. So the traffic has become their entire world, the only meaning left in their lives, as they inch their cars relentlessly forward, maneuvering, scheming, grimly rejoicing in tactical triumphs that get them one car length ahead of you in a honking, grinding, million-car mass moving toward Queens at .0000000003 miles per hour. Major Gene Gracey of the Florida Highway Patrol has strong views on the dangers of commuters applying makeup in traffic. "It's bad in the morning," he said. Especially on the turnpike. I would say 60 percent of the women drivers are still applying makeup, doing their hair, adjusting their rearview mirrors so they can look at themselves. I think it should be listed as a contributing factor in crashes: 'cosmetics.'" At certain times of the year, our yard features absurdly large grasshoppers. I am talking about grasshoppers that could replace the dogs at maximum-security prisons: GUARD: Warden! Mass murderer William R. "The Human Veg-O-Matic" Weeberman has escaped! WARDEN: OK, then, release "King." GUARD: (shuddering) If you say so. Get him, King! KING: SPROINNGGG GUARD: Look at the *altitude* on that sucker. He's gonna land at least a half-mile... VOICE IN THE DISTANCE: AIEEEEEEE WARDEN: tell the body-recover team to look for a motionless lump covered with brown spit. A lot of drivers--in my experience, mostly males--are on the phone *all the time*. I bet that, at their offices, they have a steering wheel attached to their desks, so they'll feel more comfortable. Or maybe they don't even *have* offices. Maybe they just drive around, talking, gesturing, writing things down. Sometimes they're talking and gesturing and writing things down *and* picking their noses, which means they are *far* too busy to wast valuable mental effort on, for example, steering. I like beer. On occasion I will even drink a beer to celebrate a mojor event such as the fall of communism or the fact that our refrigerator is still working. Millions of Americans are traveling by air, sometimes all on the same flight. This is the result of the airfare ware that occurred when major US airlines, int he continuing industry-wide effort to go bankrupt, started offering unbelievable bargains, like $29 round-trip tickets between any two cities with electric lights. Fares were reduced still further by the traditional airline discount of 40 percent fo rpeople who can prove that they are dumber than mud, which is designed to ensure that every flight has passangers who believe that they can fit garment bags the size of mature bison into the overhead luggage compartment. We're fascinated by the British royal family's shoes, along with their weight problem, their bald spots, their ears, their hats, and their yappy little royal dogs. We're even more fascinated by the way the royals have to find marriage partners in a gene pool so small that it is more of a gene raindrop, the result being that today, after 273 generations of interbreeding, everybody in the royal family has the same set of fingerprints. (If a royal person commits a crime, the only way the police can tell which one did it is by analyzing polo-pony droppings left at the scene. I called a licensed scientist, Kathleen M. Sullivan, Ph.D., coordinator of the undergraduate marine science program at the University of Miami. "Are lobsters insects, or what?" I asked. "They're in the same phylum," she said. **Did you hear that?** The same phylum. I have always liked the old-fashioned, incompetent bathroom scale, the kind that makes a creaking noise when you step on it, and the dial swings wildly back and forth as if the scale is trying to make up its mind, and it never gives you anywhere near the same weight twice, and if it seems to be registering a little on the heavy side, you can adjust the knob, or simply put the scale on the bathmat and instantly lose 27 pounds. You don't feel a lot of pressure with a scale like that. BASIC GUY FASHION RULE If, when you appear at the breakfast table, your wife laughs so hard that she spits out her toast, you should consider wearing a different tie. In terms of appearance, hair is one of the most the most important features of a woman's entire body. In a recent, the Gallup organization asked 1,500 men what part of a woman they look at first, and they denied that they look at women at all, because their wives were standing right next to them. But they were lying. They definetly look at women, and one of the things they notice is hair. "Yes, that woman probably had hair," they'll say, if questioned. People will watch virtually anything on television, **including a show made up entirely of commercials.** If you want proof, tune in to the home-shopping shows. Usually you'll see a close-up of a piece of jewelry--sometimes ugly, sometimes truly hideous--but always at an *amazingly low price.* You know this because the announcer tell you. The commitment problem has caused many women to mistakenly conclude that men, as a group, have the emotional maturity of hamsters. This is no the case. A hamster is *much* more capable of making a lasting commitment to a woman, especially if she gives it those little food pellets. Whereas a guy, in a relationship, will consume the pellets of companionship, and he will run on the exercise wheel of lust; but as soon as he senses the the door of commitment is about to close and trap him in the wire cage of true intimacy, he'll squirm out, scamper across the kitchen floor of uncertainty and hide under the refrigerator of non-Readiness. Storage space is *extremely* important to women. You want to know why, 20,000 years ago, nomadic Asian peoples made the brutal, dangerous trek across vast expanses of barren wasteland to come to North America? Because nomadic women heard that there were caves here with plenty of room for kitchen implements. Archaeologists are still finding ancient stored pots. Readers sent me this Associated Press report: "SACRAMENTO, Calif.--A man who hit his wife with frozen squirrels was jailed on suspicion of spousal abuse, police said Monday." The report states that the couple was having an argument, and the man"walked into the kitchen and took several frozen squirrels from the freezer," then struck his wife with them. "It was unclear why the squirrels were in the freezer," states the report, thus proving that American journalism remains a haven for people with peach pits for brains. I mean, where *else* are you going to keep squirrels? Your sock drawer? The sensible way to ask a girl out is to walk directly up to her on foot and say, "So, you want to go out? Or what?" I never did this. I knew that there was always the possibility that the girl would say no, thereby leaving me with no viable option but to leave Harold C. Crittenden Junior High school Forever and go into the woods and become a bark-eating hermit whose only companions would be the gentle and understanding woodland creatures. "Hey, *Zitface*!" the woodland creatures would shriek in cute little Chip 'n' Dale voices while raining acorns down upon my head. "You wanna *date?* Hahahahahahahahah." When we get to the tax form question about how much, exactly, we spend on "child care," we are going to have some questions of our own, including: What about Captain Skyhawk? Captain Skyhawk is a Nintendo game that we purchased for our son for Christmas because we are bad parents who wish to rot his mind. It cost $41.99, and we definitely view that as a child-care expense. At a fancy hotel you should be prepared to tip basically your life savings. The instant you arrive, uniformed men will surround your car and greet you in an aggressive manner while snatching your luggage, which they'll give to *other* men who'll give it to other men, until you have been assisted by enough uniformed men to form the Iraqi army, all of whom will have to be tipped if you ever hope to see your underwear again. Working at home is an idea that is appealing to more and more people, such as George Bush. One day he got sick and tired of constant foreign travel and said, "Barbara, I'm going to put a desk and a phone in the Oval office and just stay home and veto legislation." Other famous people who work at home are Queen Elizabeth II and the American farmer. ASK MISTER LANGUAGE PERSON Q: Which of the following sentences is correct? --"Being a respected attorney, the dog lunged straight for Mr. Thwockett's personal region." --"The dog, being a respected attorney, lunged straight for Mr. Thwockett's personal region." A: They both have their strong points. Sometimes a book tour will involve a dozen radio interviews a day. They form a pattern: I go to a radio station, sit in the waiting room for a while, looking at 1987 issues of _Broadcast_ magazine, then go into a little studio with a Radio Personality. The two of us then attempt to have an enthusiastic conversation about my book, even though after a few days I'm pretty much sick of talking about it, and the Radio Personality only started reading it 10 minutes earlier (I get a *lot* of questions about whatever is in the first three pages). But The Show Must Go On, so we both roar with unnatural laughter at anything even vaguely humorous. "This is a very, very funny book," the Radio Personality will often assure the audience at the end of the interview, apparently basing this statement on the quality of the binding. Our yard has a large and active colony of a species of snake known to snake scientists as "prank snakes." The way a prank snake attacks its prey is, it lies down on the lawn directly in the path that the prey takes from its house to the little office in the back where it (the prey) writes its newspaper column. The snake holds perfectly still until the prey is just about to step on it, the *Yikes* it rears its head up and slithers a few feet, causing the prey to flinch violently and splash hot coffee onto itself and dance around and make noises like a small porpoise in big trouble. Then the snake slithers off to exchange "low five" tail slaps with its friends. Why do guys do macho things? One possible explanation is that they believe women are impressed. In fact, however, most women have the opposite reaction to macho behavior. You rarely hear women say things like, "Norm, when that vending machine failed to give you a Three Musketeers bar and you punched it so hard that you broke your hand and we had to go to the hospital instead of my best friend's daughter's wedding, I became so filled with lust for you that I nearly tore off all my clothes right there in the emergency room." No, women are far more likely to say: "Norm, you have the brains of an Odor Eater." Horses are the opposite of dogs, gratitude-dise. You give a dog something totally wretched to eat, such as a toad part or a wad of pre-chewed Dentyne, and the dog will henceforth view you as the Supreme Being. It will gaze on you for hours with rapt adoration and lick the ground you walk on and try to kill the pizza delivery person if he comes anywhere near you. Whereas if you spend hours grooming a horse and lugging its food and water around, the horse will be thinking: "Should I chomp on this person's arm? Or should I merely blow a couple gallons of horse snot into this person's hair?" Several alert readers sent me an editorial that appeared in the _Fresno Bee_ (Motto: "Fresno's Most Comically Named Newspaper"). It seems that in 1958 the federal govenment, whcih is as you know is always looking for expensive new ways to look ridiculous, began and experiment wehrein 1,000 beagles were regularly injected with radiation to see what happens when you inject beagles regularly with radiation. The last beagle died in 1986, and all of their bodies, which are radioactive, are being kept in frozen storage near Davis, California, along with--this is still true--34,000 gallons of radioactive beagle waste. How come broadcast news reporters end their reports by saying, "This is Edward M. Stuntgoat, reporting." What *else* would we think he's doing? Hemorrhaging? Everybody in South Florida has lawn sprinklers, which are designed to break if they are subjected to abnormal stress, such as water passing through them. BASIC GUY FASHION RULE When dressing for a formal event, always check the armpits of your rental tuxedo for vermin. One day several months ago my wife became possessed by demons in a mall and purchased a digital computerized bathroom scale. The scale my wife brought home was a very strict Certified Public Accountant of a scale, the kind that, in Scale College, was always studying in the library on Friday night when the other scales were at wild parties puking their springs out. When I stood on this new scale and it informed me, within one tenth of a pound how much I weighed, my immediate reaction was that of a very large parasite, such as a Doberman pincscher, had attached itself to my body somewhere without my being aware of it. My son, who is 11, has started going to dance parties. Only minutes ago he was this little boy whose idea of looking really sharp was to have all the Kool-Aid stains on his He-Man T-shirt be of the same flavor; now, suddenly, he's spending more time per day on his hair than it took to paint the Sistine Chapel The deeply moving picture _Field of Dreams_ tells the heartwarming story of a man, played by Kevin Costner, who receives instruction from corn. One day the corn tells him to build a baseball field next to his house, so naturally he does. (It could have been worse: A really malevolent vegetable, such as zucchini, would have told him to build a nuclear reactor.) Watching _Field of Dreams_, especially the emotion-packed ending, I had tears in my eyes as I thought to myself *How come my wife never looks at me the way she looks at Kevin Costner?* The Hubble Orbiting Space Paperwieght, which was purchased for $1.5 Billion from Telescopes 'R' Us, performed perfectly except for one minor design flaw, namely that it would have been cheaper to take a relgular telescope and put it on top of an 87-mile high pile of $50 bills. Should the public tar all the apples in the political barrel with the same broad brush just because a few rotten eggs are crying over spilt milk? Of course not. The truth is that there are a great many politicians who are honest, trustworthy, intelligent, hard-working, decent, and competent. Unfortunately, they are all located on the planet Zoombah. The ones here on earth are dumpsterheads. Oh, they don't *call* it perfume. They call it "fragrance for men," and they give it guy-type names like "El Hombre De Male Man for Him," but it's definetly perfume. THis is alarming to me because I grew up in an environment where, if you had shown up at school wearing a fragrance, the other males would have stuffed you into a gym locker and left you there for the better part of the academic year. The employment market is tough. The only sector of the economy showing any actual job growth is the Resume Handling Sector, which hires beefy workers to unload the tons of new resumes that arrive at major corporations each day on enormous barges. Even as you read these words, economists in secret government laboratories are developing an entirely new S&L bailout monetary unit, the "whomptillion," a number so large that it will cost the taxpayers $32.7 billion every time a high federal official *pronounces* it. The federal deficit is creating a monstrous, crushing burden of debt that will be placed on the shoulders of future generations. This has a certain appeal. It can be seen as revenge for all the times that our future generations failed to pick their possessions up off the floor even after we asked them 62,000 times. You probably have your own turkey recipe, but you have not had turkey until you taste it the way I make it. People will take just one bite of my turkey and exclaim: "Aren't you supposed to remove this plastic bag containing turkey organs before you put it in the oven?" Not me, pal. Those organs are *scary*. I'm not putting my hand inside a dark turkey orifice with them until I'm sure they are *dead*. So I recommend cooking the tar out of the turkey, then firing a couple of machine-gun bursts into it just in case. We call this "Turkey Miami Style."