Some words I came across in four chapters of Stephen R. Donaldson Word: periapt peri-apt \'per-e^--,apt\ n [MF or Gk; MF periapte, fr. Gk periapton, fr. periaptein to fasten around (oneself), fr. peri- + haptein to fasten] (1584) :AMULET Word: tittle tit-tle \'tit-)el\ n [ME titel, fr. ML titulus, fr. L, title] (14c) 1: a point or small sign used as a diacritical mark in writing or printing 2: a very small part Word: vermeil ver-meil n [MF, fr. vermeil, adj. -- more at VERMILION] (15c) 1 \'vermel, -,ma^-l\: VERMILION 2 \ve(e)r-'ma^-\: gilded silver -- vermeil adj Word: macerated mac-er-ate \'mas-e-,ra^-t\ vb -at-ed; -at-ing [L maceratus, pp. of macerare to soften, steep] vt (1547) 1: to cause to waste away by or as if by excessive fasting 2: to cause to become soft or separated into constituent elements by or as if by steeping in fluid; broadly :STEEP, SOAK ~ vi :to soften and wear away esp. as a result of being wetted or steeped -- mac-er-a-tion \,mas-e-'ra^--shen\ n -- mac-er-a-tor \'mas-e-,ra^-t-er\ n Word: trireme tri-reme \'tr[0xF5]^--,re^-m\ n [L triremis, fr. tri- + remus oar -- more at ROW] (1601) :an ancient galley having three banks of oars Word: catafalque cat-a-falque \'kat-e-,fo[0xC7](l)k, -,falk\ n [It catafalco, fr. (assumed) VL catafalicum scaffold, fr. cata- + L fala siege tower] (1641) 1: an ornamental structure sometimes used in funerals for the lying in state of the body 2: a pall-covered coffin-shaped structure used at requiem masses celebrated after burial Word: crozier cro-zier var of CROSIER Word: scoria sco-ria \'sko^-r-e^--e, 'sko[0xC7]r-\ n, pl -ri-ae \-e^--,e^-, -e^--,[0xF5]^-\ [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk sko^-ria, fr. sko^-r excrement -- more at SCAT-] (14c) 1: the refuse from melting of metals or reduction of ores: SLAG 2: rough vesicular cindery lava -- sco-ri-a-ceous \,sko^-r-e^--'a^--shes, ,sko[0xC7]r-\ adj Word: crepitation crep-i-tate \'krep-e-,ta^-t\ vi -tat-ed; -tat-ing [L crepitatus, pp. of crepitare to crackle, fr. crepitus, pp. of crepare to rattle, crack -- more at RAVEN] (ca. 1828) :to make a crackling sound: CRACKLE -- crep-i-ta-tion \,krep-e-'ta^--shen\ n Word: sabulous No definition for 'sabulous'. Word: viscid vis-cid \'vis-ed\ adj [LL viscidus, fr. L viscum birdlime -- more at VISCOUS] (1635) 1a: having an adhesive quality: STICKY 1b: having a glutinous consistency: VISCOUS 2: covered with a sticky layer -- vis-cid-i-ty \vis-'id-et-e^-\ n -- vis-cid-ly \'vis-ed-le^-\ adv Word: stridulation strid-u-late \'strij-e-,la^-t\ vi -lat-ed; -lat-ing [back-formation fr. stridulation, fr. F, high-pitched sound, fr. L stridulus shrill] (1838) :to make a shrill creaking noise by rubbing together special bodily structures -- used esp. of male insects (as crickets or grasshoppers) -- strid-u-la-tion \,strij-e-'la^--shen\ n -- strid-u-la-to-ry \'strij-e-le-,to^-r-e^-, -,to[0xC7]r-\ adj Word: anadem an-a-dem \'an-e-,dem\ n [L anadema, fr. Gk anade^-ma, fr. anadein to wreathe, fr. ana- + dein to bind -- more at DIADEM] archaic (1604) :a wreath for the head: GARLAND Word: cerulean ce-ru-le-an \se-'r:u-le^--en\ adj [L caeruleus dark blue] (1667) :resembling the blue of the sky Word: spilth spilth \'spilth\ n (1607) 1: the act or an instance of spilling 2a: something spilled 2b: REFUSE, RUBBISH Word: celerity ce-ler-i-ty \se-'ler-et-e^-\ n [ME celerite, fr. MF ce'le'rite', fr. L celeritat-, celeritas, fr. celer swift -- more at HOLD] (15c) :rapidity of motion or action syn CELERITY, ALACRITY mean quickness in movement or action. CELERITY implies speed in accomplishing work; ALACRITY stresses promptness in response to suggestion or command. Word: asseveration as-sev-er-ate \e-'sev-e-,ra^-t\ vt -at-ed; -at-ing [L asseveratus, pp. of asseverare, fr. ad- + severus severe] (1791) :to affirm or aver positively or earnestly -- as-sev-er-a-tion \-,sev-e-'ra^--shen\ n -- as-sev-er-a-tive \-'sev-e-,ra^-t-iv\ adj Word: gloaming gloam-ing \'glo^--mi{nj}\ n [ME (Sc) gloming, fr. OE glo^-ming, fr. glo^-m twilight; akin to OE glo^-wan to glow] (bef. 12c) :TWILIGHT, DUSK Word: irrefragable ir-re-fra-ga-ble \(')r-'(r)ef-re-ge-bel, ,ir-i-'frag-e-\ adj [LL irrefragabilis, fr. L in- + refragari to oppose, fr. re- + -fragari (as in suffragari to vote for); akin to L suffragium suffrage] (1533) 1: impossible to refute 2: impossible to break or alter -- ir-re-fra-ga-bil-i-ty \(,)ir-,(r)ef-re-ge-'bil-et-e^-, ,ir-i-,frag-e-\ n -- ir-ref-ra-ga-bly \(')r-'(r)ef-re-ge-ble^-, ,ir-i-'frag-e-\ adv Word: chancrous chan-cre \'sha{nj}-ker\ n [F, fr. L cancer] (1605) :a primary sore or ulcer at the site of entry of a pathogen (as in tularemia); esp: the initial lesion of syphilis -- chan-crous \-k(e-)res\ adj Word: lambent lam-bent \'lam-bent\ adj [L lambent-, lambens, prp. of lambere to lick -- more at LAP] (1647) 1: playing lightly on or over a surface: FLICKERING 2: softly bright or radiant 3: marked by lightness or brilliance esp. of expression -- lam-bent-ly adv Word: shriven shrive \'shr[0xF5]^-v, esp Southern 'sr[0xF5]^-v\ vb shrived or shrove \'s(h)ro^-v\; shriv-en \'s(h)riv-en\ or shrived; shriv-ing [ME shriven, fr. OE scr[0xF5]^-fan to shrive, prescribe fr. L scribere to write -- more at SCRIBE] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to administer the sacrament of penance to 2: to free from guilt ~ vi, archaic :to confess one's sins esp. to a priest Word: limned limn \'lim\ vt limned; limn-ing \lim-(n)i{nj}\ [ME luminen, limnen to illuminate (a manuscript), fr. MF enluminer, fr. L illuminare to illuminate] (1592) 1: to draw or paint on a surface 2: to outline in clear sharp detail: DELINEATE 3: DESCRIBE -- limn-er \'lim-(n)er\ n Word: gelid gel-id \'jel-ed\ adj [L gelidus, fr. gelu frost, cold -- more at COLD] (1599) :extremely cold: ICY -- ge-lid-i-ty \je-'lid-et-e^-, je-\ n -- gel-id-ly \'jel-ed-le^-\ adv Word: fructified fruc-ti-fy \'frek-te-,f[0xF5]^-, 'fru.k-\ vb -fied; -fy-ing [ME fructifien, fr. MF fructifier, fr. L fructificare, fr. fructus fruit] vi (14c) :to bear fruit ~ vt :to make fruitful or productive Word: mephitic me-phit-ic \me-'fit-ik\ adj (ca. 1623) :of, relating to, or resembling mephitis: foul-smelling Word: indefeasible in-de-fea-si-ble \-'fe^--ze-bel\ adj (1548) :not capable of being annulled or voided or undone -- in-de-fea-si-bil-i-ty \-,fe^--ze-'bil-et-e^-\ n -- in-de-fea-si-bly \-'fe^--ze-ble^-\ adv Word: preterite pret-er-it or pret-er-ite \'pret-e-ret\ adj [ME preterit, fr. MF, fr. Lpraeteritus, fr. pp. of praeterire to go by, pass, fr. praeter beyond, past, by (fr. compar. of prae before) + ire to go -- more at FOR, ISSUE] (14c) 1 archaic: BYGONE, FORMER 2: of, relating to, or constituting a verb tense that indicates action in the past without reference to duration, continuance, or repetition -- preterit n Word: mirk mirk, mirky var of MURK, MURKY Word: nacre na-cre \'na^--ker\ n [MF, fr. OIt naccara drum, nacre, fr. Ar naqqa^-rah drum] (1598) :MOTHER-OF-PEARL -- na-cre-ous \-kre^--es, -k(e-)res\ adj Word: spavined spav-in \'spav-en\ n [ME spavayne, fr. MF espavain] (15c) :SWELLING; esp: a bony enlargement of the hock of a horse associated with strain -- spav-ined \-end\ adj Word: sark sark \'sa^:rk\ n [ME (Sc) serk, fr. OE serc; akin to ON serkr shirt] dial chiefly Brit (bef. 12c) :SHIRT Geographical Names Sark \'sa^:rk\ island in the English channel, one of the Channel islands; a dependency of Guernsey area 2 sq mi (5.2 sq km) Word: corselet corse-let \for 1 'ko[0xC7]r-slet, for 2 ,ko[0xC7]r-se-'let\ n (1500) 1 or cors.let [MF, dim. of cors body, bodice] 1a: a piece of armor covering the trunk but usu. not the arms or legs 1b: a pikeman's armor including helmet 2 or [fr. Corselette, a trademark]: an undergarment combining girdle and brassiere Word: greave greave \'gre^-v\ n [ME greve, fr. MF] (14c) :armor for the leg below the knee Word: ululation ul-u-late \-,la^-t\ vi -lat-ed; -lat-ing [L ululatus, pp. of ululare, of imit. origin] (1623) :HOWL, WAIL -- ul-u-la-tion \,el-ye-'la^--shen\ n